Dog Rough

Prime City Street, at night

(People running down the street)

Woman: Run, run

(Woman running into Mech and falling on the ground)

Mech: Sorry Ma'am, are you ok.

Half: Miss why is everybody running from.

Woman: Monsters, run for your life.

(Woman running away)

Half: That's not a good sign.

(A car being thrown at the Trackers)

(Power catching it)

Power: No that was.

(The Trackers going to the source of the destruction, at a bank)

Mech: I have a bad feeling about this.

Power: You always have bad feelings.

Half: His right my senses are telling me that we are not dealing with a human or natural thing.

Power: that only means I won't have to hold back.

(Two giant monster dogs coming out the hole and about to attack a frozen Power)

Mech: Power!

( Mech creating a force field and protecting Power)

Mech: Power are you okay.

Power: Yes… of Course. I just didn't expect them to be… Dogs.

Half: I don't think so, they look like dogs but I sense there not animals more like out of control machines made of flesh and fur.

( The dogs attacking again)

(Half trying to wrestle one of them down)

(Mech using his wench to shoot the other, but it dogs them)

Half: Power we need some help.

(Power standing still)

(The monster dogs and Half hearing a sound)

Half: What is that

Mech and Power: What

(Two dogs leaving)

Mech: Whatever it was I'm glad it happened.

Half: Power what didn't help.

Power: It was nothing.

Zoologist Lab

Boss: You promised me genetic weapons, not mindless beasts that randomly destroy half the town.

Zoologist: It wasn't random I told them to attack.

Boss: What, have you lost your mind? You could have revealed my whole operation, what were you thinking?

Zoologist: It was part of my plan to stop our problem. My creations are programmed to hunt down and destroy their target and now that they have their smell they won't stop until they're all destroyed.

Boss: So command them to destroy them now.

Zoologist: They need time to rest and recharge their energy or…

Boss: I want them destroyed or else you can't use my resources for the experiments you understand.

Zoologist: yes sir.

Thomas High School, at the end of the school day

Max: Still don't understand why those things left.

Jason: You guys didn't hear that noise.

Mech: No, right Tom, Tom.

Tom: What, yes

Jason: You've been acting weird ever since we saw those monsters.

Tom: It's nothing guy's I just didn't expect them to be dogs.

Carly: You guys talking those WereMutts

Tom: The what.

Carly: The monster dogs that destroy a city blocked last night.

Max: Yeah we he heard from the news this morning

Carly: Did you also hear that the new heroes were there fighting those monsters.

Tom: Why are you so interested in them?

Carly: Besides the fact they probably close to our age and fighting monsters, they can be key to making my web show famous and even making me a real reporter.

Jason: (whispering to Tom and Max) maybe we should be careful around her.

Tom: You can find another way to be a reporter, then putting yourself into dangerous situations like that.

Carly: I don't have to but I want to.

Jason: Who's that?

(Limo driving up)

Tom: Oh man is my mom.

Carly: You mom.

Betty: Hello honey.

Tom: Hey mom. I thought you were gone for a week.

Betty: Turn out my company is having a party at our home so I got to come early.

Carly: Wait, your Betty Smith is one of the heads of the Treasure Company.

Max: The what.

Carly: The company that discovers rare items in the world and put them museums

Betty: I see you are one of Tom's friends do you and others one to come.

Tom: Wait Mom.

Carly: I would love to.

Betty: See later honey

(Betty driving away Limo)

Carly: Tom why didn't say anything about you mom.

Tom: She can be embarrassing sometimes.

Carly: All parents can be embarrassing.

Jason: Yeah even my adoptive parents are embarrassing.

Tom: Well you guys don't have to go.

Carly: Seriously, you can't stop me.

(Carly leaving)

Max: Relax Tom we won't treat you definitely if you live somewhere fancy

Jason: Yeah how rich can your family be?

Tom Mansion

Jason: Really rich.

Tom: You guys here let me show you guys to the party room.

Carly: Wow, your house is bigger than our school.

Max: Is that a painting?

Betty: Great you kids made it let me show you two around.

Tom: No mom.

Betty: Tom, take your girlfriend to the party.

Tom: Mom she's not my…

(Three of them leaving)

Carly: So girlfriend.

Tom: Well it…

Carly: I'm just joking.

In the living

Jason: wow this your living room

(Max knocking over pictures)

Max: I'm so sorry

Betty: Is ok

Jason: is that Tom's dad

Betty: Yes, he was a great adventurer and explorer who started working for my company. That's how we met.

Jason: wow

Max: cool

Betty: Tom was so proud of him and looked up to him like he was a superhero. Until he caught a rare disease.

Jason: Oh we're so sorry.

Betty: It's ok, Tom still tried to be him, that's why he went near a rabid dog but it just chased him up a tree luckily he wasn't hurt.

Max: No wonder he was so scared of the monster dog.

Betty: Monster Dog?

Jason: Yes the monster dog is the boss of the video game we are trying to bet.

Betty: I'm glad my son found some nice friends.

In the party

Carly: So you dad was explorer

Tom: Yeah that's why I want to be Astronaut I want to be a explore just like him

Carly: That's amazing

Tom: It doesn't matter anyway I'm nothing like.

Carly: You right you you that's just as amazing.

(Tom and Carly getting closer. Weremutts bursting out the wall)

Tom: Oh no

Man: Everybody run

(people running, Carly and Tom being separated)

Carly: Tom where you going.

(One of the Weremutt's standing next Carly)

Tom: Get away from her you stupid dog.

(Tom hitting its nose with a broke piece of metal and then running away with Carly)

Tom: Carly tell my Mom and others what's happening.

Carly: What about you?

Tom: I'll be fine go.

(Carly leaving and the party room)

Betty: Carly what's happening.

Carly: Two monsters dogs are attacking the party.

Max: Why are there here?

Jason: There must be able to track scents like real dogs and me. Don't be afraid Mrs. Smith, we go get Tom.

Betty: Wait boys

(Betty and Carly getting push by the crowd)

In the destroyed party room

Man: get away from me

(One of the Weremutt's about to bite a man)

(Power grabs it's tail before could hurt him and throws it across the room)

Power: Why don't you do us all a favor and play dead.

(The second Weremutt is about to attack Power behind but Half jump kicks it right next to the other Weremutt).

(Half and Mech appearing)

Power: What took you guys so long.

Half: Your welcome.

Mech: I think I know how to slow this thing down.

Half: How?

Mech: the noise you heard, I might be able recreate the sound with my wrench.

Power: Wouldn't that affect Half too.

Mech: I'll make it safe for him.

Half: Do it.

(Mech wrench creating a high pinch sonic blast)

(The Weremutt's being affected by them and not being able to move.

(Half and Power jumping in the air and about to attack)

Power and Half: Bad dogs

(Power and Half hitting the Were Mutt and them explode in into green goo)

Half: Interesting reaction

Mech: That's one way to say gross.

Power: That's why I hate dogs.

Half: Looks like you got over you fear.

Power: what are talking about? I was never afraid.

Half: I know.

(Mech picking up the Were Mutts collars)

Mech: I think I recognize the technology of the collars.

Half: Where

Mech: I need to take it to our liar and might take some time.

Outside Tom's Mansion

(Police and ambulance taking care of everybody)

(Jason, Max, and Tom walking out)

Carly and Betty: Tom

Carly: What were thinking staying in their

Betty: Are you ok honey.

Tom: I'm ok, thanks to Jason and Max.

Max: Lucky for us the new heroes appeared.

Carly: They were their and I missed them. Dang it.

Tom: I think I heard them calling themselves Trackers.

Carly: Trackers huh, I would pick something else but might help me make a report of them.

Max: Was that good idea, Tom

Tom: It's okay guys, I trust her.

Jason: That's good enough for me.

Zoologist lab

Boss: The Trackers those are names pet dogs fail to destroy.

Zoologist: I told you my creations needed time to rest.

Boss: What kind of super weapon needs time to take a nap. I need outside help.

Zoologist: You don't mean.

Boss: Yes the assassin, R.I.P.