Come Together Part 3

The remains of the destroyed Astro Corp base

(Trackers and the AA outside the destroyed building)

Mech: We not dead right.

Half: No, were still alive.

Root: It looks like we were teleport outside the building before it was blasted.

Alloy: Singularity was this you.

Singularity: No I'm still not strong enough to create a portal that fast or could hold all of us.

Trick: It was me.

Half, Power, and Mech: Trick!

Singularity: Who or what are you.

Trick: Just a fellow hero like you, my lovely fellow super power being.

Half: Trick focus.

Power: Yeah why didn't appear after we blow the flute.

Trick: Well depending where I am it might take longer.

Mech: AA this is Trick, a friend of ours.

Trick: Super to meet you. Get it.

Flash Fire: Same here.

Alloy: Can we focus on the giant robot that almost killed us.

Flash Fire: Yeah what is that thing.

(Jacker flying above them)

Jacker: Is called the Ultra Droid.

Mech: That's interesting name.

Jacker: Like me the Ultra Droid was created to take care of worlds but unlike me instead of advice intelligence it makes up with fire power and indestructibility.

Power: I think I like the mindless robot then parasite that talks to much.

Singularity: Agreed

Jacker: Jokes won't help you.

(Ultra Droid aiming at them)

(Root summons giant roots from the ground to retrain Ultra Droid)

Alloy: Nice one Root.

Root: No thanks needed.

Flash Fire: Are sure about that.

Half: Now's our chance.

(All of them attacking Ultra Droid)

(Ultra Droid surrounds itself with force field that repels all of them and destroys the roots)

Power: It can create force fields like you Mech.

Mech: No it seems like we were sent flying by our own force. It must be some kind of kinetic reflector.

Jacker: I'm impressed it seems some of your kind have some median level of intelligence. Correct this is what makes the Ultra Droid invincible.

(Ultra Droid fires at them)

Power: Not this time.

(Power tries to block the blast)

(A large explosion)

(Jacker not seeing them)

Jacker: Looks like all that effort only slowed down there destruction. Now go follow you prime directive and destroy the nearest city until all humans are destroyed and our masters can conquer this world.

(Ultra Droid walking to Prime City)

(Jacker grabbing the portal device)

Jacker: This will still be useful to me.

(Jacker flying away)

(Trick make all of them visible again)

Trick: Good thing he doesn't look where he flies away.

Root: Not funny.

Mech: Power are you okay.

Power: Yeah it just scratch my arm a little bit.

Singularity: Is more then a scratch your arm is seriously injured.

Power: And without my arm we all would've be vaporized.

Alloy: That thing is unstoppable.

Half: No nothing is completely unstoppable.

Power: Except for me.

Half: We all just need to work together to beat it.

Alloy: I owe you and friends for helping us but I'm still the leader of AA and your head of masked teens.

Half: You want to stop that thing or not.

Alloy: Fine, how are you going to stop that thing.

Half: I can't but Mech can.

Mech: Me?

Half: Your the smartest person I now and were right next to a building with highly advanced technology. I'm sure you can invent something that can destroy that things shield.

Mech: Half, like the building most of that technology is destroyed or damaged, it would be impossible to build anything to match for that thing even for me.

Half: You can do it Mech you never let us down before.

Mech: Ok I'll try but I need time.

Half: That's were we come in. Me, Alloy, Flash Fire, Trick and Root will keep that thing busy and keep it away from the city. If that is ok with you.

Alloy: As long if we destroy that robot it's ok with me.

Power: You don't expect me to sit here.

Half: I don't, after you and Singularity feel better you find Jacker and take the portal device.

Alloy: Do what he says Singularity.

Half: Ok people it up to us to save the city and probably the world.

Outside the city

(Ultra Droid walking to the city)

(Trick creating giant chains to temporarily immobilized the Ultra Droid)

(Trick and other heroes in the AA plane)

Half: Good trick.

Trick: Well it kind of in the name.

Flash Fire: Then you two would like this.

(Flash Fire superheating the ground under Ultra Droid making it sink)

Flash Fire: Hot right.

Trick: In more ways than one, I'm kind of have fire powers too.

(Root with a irritated expression)

Alloy: It's not over yet, look.

(Ultra Droid freeing itself from chains and walking out the lava)

(Ultra about to fire at the jet)

Alloy: Hold on.

(Alloy making the plan dodge Ultra Droid blasts)

Half: Nice flying.

Alloy: Thanks but I can't keep this up forever.

Trick: Not alone you can't.

(Trick create three illusion jets, to confuse the Ultra Droid aim)

Alloy: What can't you do.

Half: Fly and not talk for 10 seconds.

Trick: I will take the last part as a compliment.

(Jacker flying in the distance)

Jacker: Fascinating, it seems like the Trackers have allies with interesting abilities, even once with magic powers. But that can't stop something made by my creators.

(Ultra Droid analyzing the planes flight partners. Fires mussels at all four jets).

(The three other planes destroyed).

Alloy: Prepare yourselves.

(The jet hit by the mussels and crashes)

(Ultra Droid walking to the city)

The destroyed Astro Corp building.

(Mech gathering the damaging technology)

Mech: All of this technology is completely busted, I'm completely useless. No even if that is true Half and the others are counting on me.

(Mech powers making the technology float)

Mech: I just have to scan the technology and make it into the something I need.

(The technology changing)

Mech: Analyze… Repair… and UPGRADE.

(Technology combining into a giant blaster)

Mech: It worked is exactly like what I picture in my head. But no time to pat myself on the back.

(Mech flying away)

Prime City

(People having fun)

Girl: Want's that mommy.

Mom: What's…

(People seeing the Ultra Droid)

(Police arriving)

Chief Michael: I want everyone evacuated now.

(Ultra Droid getting closer to the city)

(Alloy turning into Steel)

(Root growing giant roots)

(Half, Alloy and Root(with his roots) throwing big rocks at the Ultra Droid)

Alloy: I don't think were doing damage to it.

Half: It doesn't matter, we just keep it focus on us and not the city.

(Police firing the Ultra Droid)

Trick: Looks like they trying keep it's attention to.

(Ultra Droid about to fire on the city)

Root: It will destroy the city.

Half: Trick teleport me right next to the thing.

Alloy: Are you insane? It will destroy you.

Half: Better me then them. Just do it.

Trick: Don't die.

(Half teleports Half right above the Ultra Droid)

(Half about to attack but the Ultra Droid shoots at Half and blast him to the building)

Trick: No.

Alloy: Is he…

Root: Look.

(Mech in the sky about to fire at the Ultra Droid with his blaster)

Mech: I hope this works.

(Mech fires at the Ultra Droid destroying its shield and creating a big shockwave blasting him and other heroes away)

(Ultra Droid rebooting without it's shield)

Girl: Mommy where are you.

(Ultra Droid about crush the girl)

(Half blocks the hit and saves the girl)

Half: Are you ok.

Girl: Yes, thank you.

(Mom grabbing her daughter and running away).

Half: You know I like fighting mindless robots like you, you know why. Because you don't feel anything when I RIP YOU APART.

(Half eyes turning green and shoots quills into it's arm, then push it away)

(Ultra Droid fires missiles at Half but he evades all of them and jumps into the air)

(Half grows bat like wings and dodges the Ultra Droid laser blasts)

Trick: Do you know he can do that.

Mech: No idea.

(Half shoots a giant roar at the Ultra Droid damages it more)

(Half flies right at the Ultra Droid)

(Ultra Droid about to punch Half but Half uses his claws to wipe it's arm and head off)

Alloy: I don't know what to say.

Mech: Wow may be appropriate.

Trick: I agree.

(Half landing)

Mech: Are you still you.

(Half walking closer)

Half: I need a nap.

Trick: I think we all do.

(Jacker in the distance)

Jacker: Impossible no creature on this pitiful dirt ball can destroy the Ultra Droid. It does not matter as long I have this.

(Power throws his staff at Jacker making drop the portal in Singularity portal)

Power: What's with you villains monologue when you failure.

Jacker: You again, are you so hunger for a fight that don't fear death.

Power: Don't mix me in with brutes like you. I just now if lose people like you would win so I just have to win.

Jacker: You pride is enraging.

Power: (Power laughing) Why is that only Mech and Half get it. It's not pride or arrogance I feel.

(Blue energy surrounding Power)

Jacker: What is this pulling force.

(Jacker Firing all his weapons at Power but they all force to the ground)

Jacker: He messing with force of gravity.

Power: It's called…

(Jacker being pulled to Power)


(Power hitting Jacker with his staff and the energy blasting Jacker off it's host and blasting it away)

Singularity: I didn't know you could do that.

Power: Neither did I, but I think it healed my arm.

Doctor: Thank you.

Power: No thanks required, It is just we heroes do.

A day later, Jason House

(Tom, Max, Carly, Brad, and Kate celebrating Jason birthday)

Jason: You guys didn't have to do this.

Tom: Of course we have were your friends.

Kate: This cupcakes are delicious, Max

Max: Oh really, I only dabble in cooking.

Tom: I heard you trying to work at the news station.

Carly: Just as an intern I still a long way from me being a reporter.

Tom: It wouldn't take to long for you.

(Tom and Carly holding hands)

(Jason phone getting a text)

(Jason reading the text)

Lucy: Happy birthday.

(Jason with shock expression)

A unknown location.

(R.I.P. walking with Jacker in a container)

R.I.P.:I still don't understand why we need this thing.

Robot: We will need his help if we going to make the world what we want.

R.I.P.: what about the Trackers they bit it.

Robot: Yes this Trackers are getting more powerful everyday so to know how to stop them we need to give them a test?

The story will continue.