Sweet Nightmares

Prime City, Thomas Highschool

(Tom carrying Carly books in the hall way)

Carly: Tom you don't have to carry all my books.

Tom: You only got out hospital three days ago you still recovering.

Carly: Tom, I'm fine how would feel sick with a boyfriend like you.

(Carly kisses Tom cheek)

(Tom blushes and Carly takes her books and walks away)

Tom: Boyfriend.

Jason: I can't tell if your happy or scared.

Max: For me is always fear plus different emotions.

Tom: Well unlike Power, I just scared about Carly safety after she was kidnapped by Mind Masters.

Max: Is fascinating that mind is shielded by mind powers.

Jason: How do get your powers anyway.

Tom: Well I was in a space center where Jacker attacked, I tried get people to safety. I got trapped in a room with space objects where their studying them, I touched a large sphere with my staff my father gave me. Then next thing I remember is being turned into Power, is just like rest of memories just ran away.

(People screaming outside)

Max: Is not only one.

Jason: I think Trackers need to check it out.

Prime City, Street

(People running)

Power: These people look terrified.

Half: From what I don't see, hear, or smell anything.

Mech: I think he might be the cause.

(Horror floating in sight)

Horror: We meet Trackers, my name is Horror.

Half: I don't think we met before.

Horror: No, but you friend fought associations. The Mind Masters.

Power: You losers again. You guys don't you give up do you.

Horror: I'm not like them my power is true power of the mind.

Power: blah, blah. Let take this guy down guys.

Mech: Agreed.

Half: Quick rush him together.

(All three of them run at Horror)

Horror: If you so assistant of fighting I used my full power on you.

(Horror shoots a beam from his eye that split into three beams for each Tracker)

Half: Quick evade.

(Three of them try to dodge the beams but they follow him)

(Half tries us enhanced reflexes to evade it but it hits his head and loses consciousness)

(Mech creates a shield around himself to block the blast but in went right through it and hits Mech which makes him lose consciousness)

(Power flies around to Horror back but he is hit by the beam but it just slightly irritates him)

Horror: Impossible.

(Power grabs Horror by the collar and pushes him against a wall)

Power: Sorry, but stupid mind tricks don't work on me.

Horror: It seem it doesn't but what about your friends.

(Half and Mech on the ground sweating and fidgeting)

Power: What did do to them.

Horror: Only unlocked their deepest fears.

Power: Wake them up now.

Horror: Even if I won't to the only once that help them is themselves or a powerful psychic.

(Power thinking)

(Few minutes later)

(Police arriving)

(Horror righted up with metal and his eyes covered)

(Chief Michael reading Power note)

Note: Don't look into his eyes.

Chief Michael: Quick get him down without opening his eyes.

Prime City, News Station

(Carly working a room)

Power: Hello.

Carly: What in the world.

(Power carrying Mech and Half)

Power: I need your help.

(Few minutes later)

(Half and Mech laying on the table)

Carly: So a floating man trap you teammates in a bad dream.

Power: Yeah, he was one same freaks that kidnapped you.

Carly: I know I owe you for saving me but how am I supposed to help.

Power: You might not remember but you had same mind powers as those guys.

Carly: What, I have been dreams of me floating in the air and have been able tell what people were thinking but I thought that was only in my head.

Power: Well is because you head you can do this. Listen I know this all happen all of the sudden but we need you help.

Carly: I see what I can do.

(Carly touches Mech and Half foreheads)

Carly: It feel like they terrified.

Power: Can you wake them up.

Carly: No, even if they fight their fears they would stuck in a coma.

Power: Isn't their anything I can do.

Carly: Maybe, if I could send you in own nightmare you could connect to them and I can bring all three out. But you would have face your worst fear.

Power: Don't worry I'm not afraid of nothing, but will it even work on me I kind of immune from mind powers.

Carly: From enemies who tried force mind open but maybe if you let me in it could work. Do you trust me.

Power: More then you know.

(Carly eyes glow green and Power loses consciousness)

Power Nightmare

(Power in front of a hospital)

Power: Of course it would this place but nothing stopping me.

(Power runs into the hospital)

Mech Nightmare

(Mech flying through a empty city)

Mech: Half, Power, anybody. Where is everybody the last thing I remember is the Horror guy, did teleport everybody in the city, no they have some kind logic explanation I have to think.

Voice: Max

Mech: Who's that.

(Mech falling the voice to a abounding building at end of the city)

Mech: Why does this place look some familiar.

(Mech walking in)

Half Nightmare

(Half in a forest)

(Half looking at his parents car crash)

Voice: After all this time you can't cry can you, well some people grieve in their own way i guess.

Half: Who their and why did take me here.

(Half looking around)

Voice: All this not my doing is that Horror messing with you head, or our head I guess. But I'm glad he did.

Half: What are you talking about.

(Voice coming into view looking like Half)

Dark Half: I'm you, the real.

Half: What do you me, the real me.

Dark Half: I'm am the side of yourself that you feel when you use your powers. The animalistic side of your mind that got worse after our parents died. You tried to hide me from the world but that time is over is my time to drive the body.

Half: No, I won't let you.

Dark Half: Fine, looks like we have do this hard way.

(Dark Half punches Half and they fight)

Power Nightmare

(Power walking in the hospital)

Power: This is stupid, you think I would be scared of being in a hospital my father in died, well guess what I'm not afraid.

Dad: Tom

(Voice coming from a room)

Power: I told you I'm not afraid.

(Power tries to walk to the room but a force field blocks the hail way)

Power: What the.

(Power tries destroy the force field with his staff but it doesn't work)

Mech Nightmare

(Mech looking through the abandoned building)

Mech: Was this place a science lab and why do I know my way around.

Voice: Our little hero.

(Mech follow the voice to a big room with a large machine)

Mech: What was made in this place.

(Electric door closes)

Mech: No, no, no.

(Mech tries to use his powers to take control of the door but it doesn't work)

Mech: What?

(Lights turning off)

Mech: Please no, I don't won't to be alone again please. But I'm not alone I have friends now who care and probably looking for right now and I have to find them to.

(Mech blasts the door open)

(Mech exists his Nightmare)

Half Nightmare

(Half fighting Dark Half)

Dark Half: You can't contain me forever.

Half: I can try.

(Half pushes Dark Half off of him)

Dark Half: I only doing the thing we promised to do, creating the world that peaceful people like them can live safely. But we have to punish and destroy evil people.

Half: No

Dark Half: You see the evil that ruins innocent people lives, aren't we aloud use our rage to punish them, aren't we aloud to show our rage to the world.

Half: Maybe you right, maybe we aloud to feel anger and sadness for losing our parents but even if the villain deserve punishment it shouldn't be decided by our hatred or other feelings. We, I have to control my emotions not hide it or let it control me.

(Dark Half being slowly absorbed into Half)

Dark Half: What are you doing?

Half: Accepting you.

Dark Half: You never getting rid of me.

Half: I know.

(Half completely absorbing Dark Half)

(A door appearing)

(Half waking into the door)

Power Nightmare

(Power trying smash the force field)

Power: Let me in I have to help my friends. I told I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not… I am afraid. I'm afraid that my father hated me for not see him before he died, I'm afraid that never be him, but that doesn't matter because I have be myself and that enough to save my friends.

(Force field disappears)

(Blue hologram behind Power)

Hologram: Champion

(Power walking into the door)

Space between minds

(Power seeing Half and Mech)

Power: Guys

Mech: Power, we were worried.

Half: Power, do you now what is going on.

Power: Horror trap you guys in your deepest nightmares, I had go in to get you guys out of here.

Mech: How, I don't see a door.

(Green portal opens)

Half: I think that's the exit)

(Ground collapses)

Power: Hurry.

(Trackers flies into the portal)

News Station

(Trackers wake up)

Mech: Please tell me this is not another nightmare.

Half: No, I can smell the surroundings. Power how did go into our dreams.

Power: I had help

(Mech and Half looking at Carly)

Carly: Hey

(Few minutes later outside)

Half: We can't thank you enough.

Carly: Is the lease I can do after all the stuff you did for the city.

Power: I could tell you were more then missed the eye.

(Trackers flies away)

Carly: Tom?

(Trackers flying in the sky)

Mech: So did guys what to talk about what you saw in your nightmares.

Half and Tom: No

Mech: Me either.

(Mech thinking to himself)