Fast Lanes

Prime City, Antique Shop

(Jason and Tom helping a customer)

Woman: Oh you two are really nice boys helping me.

Jason: No problem.

Tom: Watch your step.

(Jason and Tom putting the antiques in the woman car)

(Woman driving of)

Tom: Max are you almost done cleaning the antiques.

Max: Almost done.

(Max cleaning the dust of the antiques)

Max: Done.

(Dust about make Tom sneezes, but Jason cover his noise)

Tom: Thanks.

Jason: Don't mention it.

Tom: Max how don't sneeze your noise of with all this dust.

Max: Never been a problem before.

(Anthony Edward walking in from the back)

Anthony: Great job boys.

Jason: Thanks Mr. Edward.

Tom: Yay, we worked quickly today.

Anthony: Yes you did but remember boys speed is not always the answer. I think you three can get of early today.

Max: Thanks but why.

Anthony: I feel that they will bring a strong breeze coming today.

(Three of them leaving)

Max: What do you think he meant?

Jason: Mr. Edward has been around a long time he probably know and see a lot of things we have.

Tom: Are sure we seen a lot of things to.

Trackers secret lair

(Max checking the city scanners)

Max: That's weird.

Tom: What.

Max: My scanners are picking up bank alarms in the city.

Jason: Some body stole from multiple banks.

Max: They broke into them but they didn't stole any money. And the weirdest part is all the banks alarms went off seconds apart.

Tom: So they like big group of guys working together simultaneously.

Jason: I don't think so the police would at least caught one those guys and reported on the radio. Max what banks have the alarms haven't gone off yet.

Max: Just one, why.

Jason: Because we going to see ourselves who causing these ghost heists.

Prime City Bank

(Trackers on top of a roof top next to the bank)

Mech: My eye scanners detect no one in the building.

Half: I don't smell anyone either.

Power: Good thing this bank is closed today, means we can focus on the bad guys whoever they are.

(Half hearing something)

Half: You about meet them.

(Three blurs coming from the street and in the bank)

Power: What was that.

Mech: I don't no my eyes hurt for just trying follow it.

Half: It hard for me as well but we should still follow it.

(Trackers going through the bank doors)

(Trackers seeing nothing)

Power: Do you guys see anything.

(Mech scanning the floor)

Mech: My eye scanners see that the recent people in here are three but the way their footprints are imprinted the floor is different then most people.

(Half smelling)

Half: You right Mech their three and there definitely human probably super humans like us. And they're close.

(Trackers hit to the wall by a wind blast)

Power: And I can tell their right there.

(Windsters appearing)

Swift: Hey bro, didn't you say they would show up later.

Twist: No that was Gust.

Gust: Sorry little brothers it always hard to tell when you as fast at us.

Power: You guys makes me glad I'm a only child.

Mech: So you the bank thieves.

Gust: No we didn't steal any money, we just did that to get your attention.

Half: Why, what do you have that you want?

Twist: You found out when you wake up.

Power: The only once who is going be unconscious are you three.

(Power trying hit all three of them with his staff, but they dodge him with their super speed)

Power: Now I know how Wike E. Coyote feels.

Mech: Have a shoot.

(Mech trying shoot them with his wench but they dodge again)

Mech: I lost them.

(Swift and Gust running to their back)

Swift: Do they think they ready give up, Twist.

Twist: Maybe if they smarter then they look, little bro.

(Half quickly reacts and tries to hit them, but they dodge his hits and runs away.)

Twist: Nice reflex's for a turtle.

Power: You won't beat us if you keep running away.

Gust: They right brothers lets stop messing around.

(The Windsters hitting the Trackers with a barrage of super speed punches that knocks three of them outside)

(Trackers getting back up)

Power: You have to hit a lot harder to keep us down.

Gust: You guys do seem to be able take a beating.

Half: Who are you guys.

Gust: We are the Windsters, the fastest creatures on Earth. Just try to keep with us.

(Windsters splitting up)

Mech: They separated

Half: They are trying to pick us of.

Power: How do catch this guys.

Half: They surprised us, but remember what Mr. Edward said. Speed is not always the answer. Now let catch us some wind.

(Trackers splitting up and following the Windsters)

Abounded Home Area

(Mech looking for Swift)

Mech: I hate being alone in creepy areas.

Swift: You need to cool down.

(Swift blasting Mech with a wind blast but he creates shield to block the attack)

Swift: Nice defense, remind of a turtle tough but slowing thing ever.

Mech: Well actually snails are slowest creatures on Earth.

Swift: You wish you were in a snail position after this.

(Swift running in a circle creating a tornado)

Mech: Tornados was one the few things I wasn't afraid of until now.

(Mech trying fly from the tornado but he is sucked into the tornado)

(Mech being flip and pulled into different directions)

(Mech getting nauseous)

Mech: This must be what Power feel around dust. I have to focus and think.

(Mech seeing the world in slow motion)

Mech: What this, is like I'm seeing a movie in slow motion.

(Mech seeing a slow moving Swift)

Mech: I can see Swift, maybe I can…

(Mech creating a small shield under Swift feet making him trip and fall)

(Tornado dissipating)

(Mech grabbing Swift )

Swift: Let me go.

(Swift tries to run but Mech grip is to strong)

Mech: Sorry I'm stronger then I look.

(Mech creating shield around Swift to trap him)

Mech: Hope the others have easier time capturing the other two.

Prime City Docks

(Twist throwing sharp objects at Power but he blocks them with his staff)

Power: Why do fishermen use so many sharp objects, I feel bad for the fish now.

Twist: I can throw things so fast that they hit as hard as bullet, hard enough to break you dumb stick.

(Twist throwing a harpoon at Power)

(Power breaks the harpoon in two with his staff)

Power: Don't call it a stick. Unless you see a stick do this.

(Power throwing his staff at Twist, but he dodges it)

Swift: You have to faster than that.

(Power staff coming back around and trying to hit Swift)

Swift: What in the world.

(Swift tries move around the area to lost it but it keeps following it)

Swift: Where do get this thing.

(Power punches a distracted Swift and catches his staff)

Power: I guess you could say is a family a heirloom.

(Swift losing conscience)

Prime City Street

(Half following Gust scent)

Gust: You a good noise, but I strongest and fastest compare to my little brothers.

Half: Why are attacking us.

Gust: Like the other things me and brothers do it for the money from stealing or anything else. That how we choose to live our lives.

Half: Then you pick wrong path for you and your brothers.

Gust: You dare.

(Gust running at Half at different directions and hitting him with super speed punches)

Gust: Want were you saying of picking the wrong path, your one to mess wrong people.

(Half hitting Gust shoulder a little bit with his claws)

Gust: How you do that.

Half: I just adapted.

Gust: Let's see if that help keep up with me.

(Gust speeding away)

Half: He was right he is faster then his brothers. But I can still tell where he is with my senses and I know this city like back of my hand. I just need a short cut to catch up to him.

(Half climbing up buildings to catch up to Gust)

(Half jumping down to hit Gust but he dodges him)

Gust: (Laughing), Not even clos…

(Half running to Gust and catching up)

Gust: How are keeping getting faster.

(Half eyes Turing into beast eyes)

(Half getting closer and about to grab him but he slows down and evades him)

(Half's stop)

Gust: You fast but can withstand hitting you with a force of a jet.

(Gust running to Half at his fastest speed about to hit Half)

(Half grows a tail and drips him causing him to hit a wall)

Half: I can see why Trick use his tail it really useful.

Gust: How is possible I'm fastest thing on the planet.

Half: Maybe but choose use gifts to benefit only yourself and take from others, I hope see the error of your ways.

Prime City Bank

(Police capturing the Windsters)

Chief Michael: Don't worry we have protocol for speedster. We also recover this device.

(Chief Michael showing them the device)

Half: Mech can you hack it.

Mech: Let me try.

(Mech using his powers to hack the device the device)

Mech: This is bad

Power: What is it.

Mech: Someone put a bounty on us.

Half: Who?

Mech: I don't now who ever made this device is bouncing the signal different areas, I can't find it.

Power: What ever who ever else what fight us, will regret it.

(R.I.P. on a roof top).

R.I.P.: When I went after them I was so much better. (R.I.P. speaking into a communicator)The Windsters Failed.

Robot: It doesn't matter ,they will be others.