Global Heroics: Dark Light

Prime City, Streets 

(Peter Crest talking on Electronic Billboard)

Peter Crest: In dangerous times we need reliable power sources to protect our cities. Our new technology will not only increase our city power supply but give us almost endless source. Me, the mayor, and many others will be here to test out this new power source in the city electrical grid.

(Mugger grabs a teenaged girls purse then runs away)

Woman: Dad, my purse.

Dad: Give that back.

(Mugger runs in alley)

Mugger: (screams)

(Girl and her Dad looks in alley to see Overshadow shadow snake wrapped around the mugger)

(Dad and Girl scared)

Overshadow: I think this belong to you, ma'am.

(Overshadow gives the purse back to the girl)

(Dad grabs her daughter and runs away out of fear)

Overshadow: A sane father would keep his child away from me, well at least that's my guess what father would do.

(Overshadow shadow moves a bit)

(Overshadow summons a shadow bat and grabs the mugger)

Overshadow: Take him to the police station.

(Overshadow shadow bat flies the mugger away)

Overshadow: You will scout the city for danger with the others.

(Shadow snake goes into shadow)

Overshadow: With my shadow monsters I can patrol the whole city by myself and with this device linked to the Trackers city scanners no crime will get past me. It's been a few hours since the Trackers left but I can't put my guard down, the Trackers trust me when everybody else didn't and I  have protect their city.

(Overshadow shadow tiger comes to him)

Overshadow: What is it?

Prime City, Electrical Grid

(Peter Crest and the Mayor talking)

(Police on guard)

(Middle school kids running around)

Teacher: Kids single file.

Peter : I'm glad kids are here to see our future.

Mayor: Are sure this new technology is safe.

Peter: Completely, this new technology is one of a kind.

Zap: That's all I needed I hear.

(Electrical devices start go wild)

(Zap appearing)

Peter: Who are you?

Zap: Just an old fashioned villain and I've been trapped in Triangle for years so I need a recharge, that new technology will help me with that.

(Police try to shot him but Zap creates electric shield that destroy the bullets)

(Zap electrocutes the police into unconsciousness)

(People run away)

(Teacher and kids hide behind the building)

Peter: Stopping this technology will help millions.

Zap: I will be first and last.

(Zap about shot electricity at Peter Crest and Mayor)

(Overshadow uses his rip blade to grab his hand making him miss)

Overshadow: That's enough of your power, my elderly enemy.

Zap: Who are you?

Overshadow: A Tracker. Is this what young heroes call themselves these days? A young hero turned into one of the AA originals and caused me just as much trouble as her father did. But I have a solution for that problem.

Overshadow: What will that be?

Zap: Die young.

(Zap charges up for a electric blast)

(Overshadow tries to create shield out of darkness but hit didn't finish in time and blasts away)

Zap: My aim is off, I'm getting too old for this.

Overshadow: His attack are fast. If it wasn't for darkness making up my suit I would have burned alive. This is not the time to hold back.

(Overshadow summons his shadow monsters to surround zap)

(Kids watching)

Kid 1: Scary.

Kid 2: I think it is cool.

Zap: You kids get stronger each generation makes me have to use my power reserves more.

(Zap creates a massive electrical explosion)

(Overshadow shadow monsters getting Peter Crest, Mayor, Teacher, kids, and unconscious police away from the blast)

(Overshadow on the ground unconscious)

(Zap exhausted)

Zap: I need a charge.

(Zap absorbing power from the technology and powering up)

(Prime City losing the power)

(Zap super charged)

Zap: I feel invincible not even Thunder Storm can stop me now.

(Overshadow gets back up)

Overshadow: You shouldn't use your powers to hurt others.

Zap: You should take your own device and leave before I hurt you.

Overshadow: Not until you give up.

Zap: Then you will be destroyed.

(Zap shots a massive electrical blast at Overshadow)

(Overshadow shadow forms into shadow human being and blocks the blast)

Zap: What.

Overshadow: Dad?

Zap: It does not matter what shape you make you toys, they are no match for me.

Overshadow: Not if you can't see.

(Overshadow creates a shadow sphere around zap)

(Zap unable to see)

Zap: What is this?

(Overshadow father hitting Zap back to back)

(Zap shots a bunch lightning blasts trying hit Overshadow father but misses)

Zap: I have enough of you two.

(Zap creates a massive electrical bursts that destroy shadow sphere)

Zap: I had enough of your toy.

(Zap about to hit Overshadow dad with powerful electrical punch)

(Zap noticing his light being absorbed by Overshadow)

Overshadow: Electricity or not it still makes light and the brighter the light the bigger the shadow.

(Overshadow dad smiles)

(Overshadow hits Zap with massive darkness blast)

(Zap depowered and unconscious)

Overshadow: I don't how I summon you but I do know if like other shadow monsters I create is becomes I fear you. I always thought you weren't there because of me and that scare me. But I always felt you were watching me and protecting me from my shadows and you still are.

(Overshadow dad hugs him and then returns to his shadow)

(Overshadow about fall to the ground but Half catches him)

Half: I got you.

(Trackers appear near Overshadow)

Mech: Sorry we're late.

Power: I thought you got better with teleportation, Trick.

Trick: Well finding and transporting three people isn't as easy as it sounds.

Half: You did what you said you do, you protect our city.

(Peter Crest, Mayor, Teacher, and kids cheering at Overshadow)

(Robot camera watches)

Unknown Location

(Paladin watches)

Paladin: That old fool underestimated the power of this generation of heroes but I will do the opposite.

(Robots building something big)


(Trick teleporting in)

Trick: Honey I'm home

(Charmy walking over)

Trick: Sorry I couldn't help myself.

(Charmy looking weak)

Trick: Charmy what happened.

Charmy: I use a spell to amplify my danger sense.

Trick: What. Charmy you are already weakened from fighting magical villains from Triangle. Why would you do something so dangerous?

Charmy: Because let see who caused the Triangle breakout and where they are.