E Man Part 2

(1939, World War 2)

Forest, Enemy Base Camp

(Marines spying on the base from a mile away)

Commander: Alright men this is a heavily armed base we need a careful plan to invade. 

(Private John Conners looking up the sky)

Commander: Private John am I boring you.

(Everybody seeing a flying object hitting the ground, creating a massive shockwave)

John: What in the world was that.

Commander: We can figure that out later, the enemy defense is weakened after that shockwave now is our time, attack!

(All soldiers rush at the enemy base)

(Private John goes to the crash site)

E Damaged Ship

(Private John going to ship)

 John: Amazing a unknown flying object.

(Ship door opens)

(Private John readying his gun)

(A weakened E falls out the ship and on the grounded)

(John points his gun at E)

(E and John look at each other's eyes)

(John give his hand to help him up)

John: Are you ok.

(E's extra limbs and appendages are absorbed in his body)

(E skin matches John)

(His alien clothes change to marine uniform)

(E grabs John's hand and gets up)

E: Thank you.

(E ship turn invisible)

(Few weeks later)

Tall Grass Plains 

(Marines fighting the enemy)

(E trying shot a enemy in sights but couldn't shot)

(Soldier pushes ME out the way)

Soldier 1: No time for hesitation, private .

(Soldier runs in battle)

(John helps E up)

John: You really need stay on  two feet.

E: Humor,  is not worst choice to calm yourself in battle.

John: I'm guessing you don't have wars like this where you are from.

E: We do and the second war I was in makes  this battle look like a dispute between children.

John: That makes me feel better in this fight.

(Private Mike Kent runs away a charging enemy)

Mike: Get down.

(Marvin Atom moves at fast and agile speeds taking down the enemy)

(Enemy throws a grenade at the Marvin but he catches a throw back at him)

Marvin: Are you ok my friend.

Mike: Yeah better late than never 

E: Remarkable, can you all move like that.

John: If we can, no one told me.

Home Base, Mess Hall

(John and E talking)


John: Despite being in two wars you don't seem like a fighter.

E: Well the first war I didn't do that much fighting and in the second I was in charge of coordinating troops on the field. I just never like fighting.

John: Well if more people like fighting less we get along better.

Marvin: Agreed.

(Marvin and Mike walk over)

Mike: Sorry for the eavesdropping, my friend has good ears.

E: Thank you for helping me in the battle today.

Marvin: Just doing my duty.

John: Where did you learn to fight like that?

Mike: Let's just say his special.

Doctor: In more ways than you can imagine.

(Scientist and his assistant walk over)

Scientist: Hello gentlemen I'm in charge of this army health and science division. This is my assistant.

John: What brings you down here then.

Scientist: Mr. Atoms has been treated with special methods.

E: Special Methods?

Marvin: Sir, I wanted to speak to you about that…

(Soldiers knocks into John)

Soldier 2: Watch it.

Mike: I think you knock into him own purpose.

Soldier: Who cares, all three of you are worthless weaklings who's dragging this army down.

Marvin: You should leave now.

Soldier: Or what.

(Soldier tries to punch him but he stops his punch)

(Marvin eyes turn beast eyes and crushes his hand)

Mike: Marvin stop.

Scientist: Fascinating.

(Soldier try attack Marvin behind but he throws onto another table)

(Marvin about punch the soldier in his face but E stop his punch)

E: He had enough.

(Assistant noticing E strength)

(Marvin calms down and let goes off the soldier hand)

(Commander walks in)

Commander: What in Sam Hill is going on here.

(Everybody looking at Marvin, Mike, John, and E)

(Hour later)

(Marvin, Mike, John, and E cleaning the mess hall)

Mike: Can't believe we ate this stuff.

Marvin: I want to apologize to you guys, it's my fault we're cleaning up.

John: Is unstandable that guy was a jerk, not saying he deserves hand crush, but still.

Marvin: It would've gotten worse if your friend hadn't intervened.

Mike: You're a lot stronger than you look.

E: Well let's just say I was born differently then my brother.

John: You have siblings.

E: Just the one or I used to.

Mike: He passed away.

E: Yes it is all my fault, I was born with one of a kind abilities but I never used them to their full potential because of my distaste of fighting.

Marvin: Hating fighting isn't wrong but gives your ability to know what's right and wrong in a battle.

Mike: That's Marvin he acts like a machine but has a heart of gold. That's why he is about to become a father soon, hopefully my kid will get along with his.

John: Can my kid join this play date?

(All four of them laughing)

John: Now we all calm down can ask, is rage connecting to the treatment the doctor is giving you.

Marvin: More than you think. I only told Mike this but I trust you two. Before I joined the army I was selected for experiments by scientists.

John: What kind of experiments?

Marvin: The experiments that he says will win the war. He said I can adapt to any battle and fight like an animal.

E: That is the source of your strength.

Marvin: Unfortunately rage as well and I feel it getting worse everyday.

Mike: Marvin tried to tell the scientist this but he's too clouded in experiments to see reason, that's we ended it ourselves.

Marvin: Tonight, when no one is in the lab, we are going to destroy all his research so no one else can get this curse.

John: This sounds dangerous.

Marvin: You don't have to help, this about me.

Mike: And we are like brothers, remember.

(E hearing a sound)

E: John we need to go.

Mike: It's fine we can finish up.

(E and John walk in hallway alone)

E: My ship is sending an ultra high pitch signal that only my species can hear.

John: What's wrong?

E: I don't know but I have to get there quickly.

John: What do you mean by qui…

(E flying him and John at high speeds)

Crash Ship

(Assistant going into the damage ship)

Assistant: Amazing, this ship is damaged but is still far beyond any technology we have.

(Assistant using energy manipulator to scan the ship)

Assistant: Where is that energy signal coming from?

(Assistant finding a red glowing weapon near a hole in the ship)

Assistant: Remarkable.

(E and John run into the ship)

E Man: Stop, you have no idea what you are dealing with.

Assistant: Not yet.

(Assistant uses his energy manipulator to access the weapon energy)

(Energy plus send two flying soldiers out)

John : My leg is broken. Are you ok?

E : Don't worry, my body is made for big hits like that.

(Assistant walking out of the destroyed ship with red energy coming out his eyes and hands)

(Assistant blast energy blasts at them but E fly them away)

E: I don't want to do this but you leave me no choice.

(E flys at Assistant and pushes him to ground)

(Assistant traps E in a cube and throw him to ground)

Assistant: This power is unbelievable but I wonder if you want masks tick.

(Assistant forming giant surgical blades and about cut E open)

John: You never find out.

(John jumps on Assistant holding a bunch grenades)

John: Live my friend.

E: John, no.

(Giant explosion)

(E fly into a tree)

(E seeing Assistant, covered in red energy shield, flies to the base)

(E flying after him)

Base Camp, Lab

(Marvin and Mike walking in)

Marvin: We have destroyed their research and everything else.

Mike: Calm down, we don't want to destroy everything.

Marvin: I CAN'T CALM DOWN! Sorry I can barely control myself.

(E walks in)

E :You two have to leave now.

Mike : Slow down. I thought you and John couldn't help us tonight.

Marvin: What happened to him anyway.

E: He died saving my life.

Marvin: What!

(Scientist walks in)

Scientist: What are you three doing here?

Marvin: To stop you from doing what you did to me to others.

Scientist: This is evolution don't you know what you are. You can adapt to anything, you are first super human.

(Scientist being held in giant red energy hand)

Assistant: I think that is me.

E: You pay for what you did to my friend.

Assistant: He was in the way of the progress of the next evolution of humanity, like my former teacher tried to create.

(Scientist being thrown at the wall)

Assistant: Now let's test out my new abilities.

(Assistant creates giant machine guns and fire at them)

(Marvin is hit and blow to wall)

(E blocks blast from hitting Mike)

Mike: How do you do that?

Assistant: Looks like everybody have secrets.

(Marvin, with beast eyes, grabs Assistant hand and punches through wall)

(Marvin follows him)

E: Wait here.

(E flys after him)

(Building start to shake)

(Assistant creates a barrage of weapons and launches them at Marvin)

(Marvin grow claws and destroy all his weapons)

(Marvin tries punch Assistant but flies away)

(Marvin hits wall instead and make building)

Assistant: Impossible, I never knew his experiments could produce something so powerful.

(Marvin grabs Assistant by the neck and about finish him)

E: Marvin stop.


E: You said hating fighting isn't wrong but it gives me the ability to know what's right and wrong in a battle, I know this isn't you.

(Marvin calms down)

(Building start to collapse)

(Assistant flies away)

(Marvin holds the roof up)

Marvin: Get them out.

E: But…

Marvin: NOW!

(E flys him, Scientist, and Mike outside)

(Building collapses)

(Months later)


(Marvin and John funeral)

(E and Mike watching from behind)

Mike: I can't believe this.

E: What you saw the last few months or your friend dying?

Mike: Both. I'll watch over Marvin family and keep the journal so they know what happened.

E: They probably won't believe you.

Mike: Better than lying. What about…

(Mike seeing E gone)