107: The Land of No Light and the Demonic Secret - Part 3

As for the Graveyard Hill, this massively sized Devouring Demon had no intent for battle whatsoever.

In the gift shop, the sudoku board looked like a huge grid, and Zhou Baiyu was curious about what effects it would have after being mutated. So, he mutated it once...

In the end, he found... the thing had been transformed into an allegiance divider.

Each position in the grid divided the battlefield into nine areas, or rather nine factions—Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral... and so on.

The position where Graveyard Hill was located fell under the Lawful Neutral region.

In other words, this tiny sudoku board... directly utilized rules to turn Graveyard Hill from a foe of humanity into a "Neutral Creature."

As long as one did not provoke it, Graveyard Hill was essentially just a piece of the scenery. The sudoku board only had one use, but once the rule took effect, it would persist for the next fifteen hours.