"After humans discovered wheat, to fill their bellies, they began to cultivate it, and wheat spread effortlessly."
"As human population increased, so did the demand for wheat, hence the need to cultivate it grew as well."
"Eventually, wheat became the most dominant plant in the world. While dandelions were still waiting for the wind to disperse their seeds, wheat had already occupied the most fertile lands of the world. They didn't have to worry about spreading and reproduction because the slaves named humans would keep disseminating them."
"Wheat usurped the living resources of most other plants, and gradually, wherever humans footprints were found, their footprints were found as well."
"Listening to this, do you feel as if wheat is like some sort of puppeteer behind the curtain?"
Guang Tongchen furrowed his brow, Zhou Baiyu obviously wasn't one for unnecessary words.
Zhou Baiyu made his point quietly:
"To survive, humans keep spreading wheat."