Although the bookshelves were huge, there were quite a few footholds; after all, the size of the books wasn't exaggerated, and some were even the same size as those in the human world.
The gaps between the books became Zhou Baiyu's points of leverage for climbing.
As a third-order different walker, in Advanced World, his physical abilities were far stronger than those of ordinary humans.
In Huang Miu's eyes, it probably looked like watching the protagonists in the game Assassin's Creed perform parkour.
Huang Miu wasn't surprised, though.
Compared to the beings from Nightmare Bridge, Jiang Xianwu seemed a bit weaker.
Or perhaps fighting wasn't Jiang Xianwu's source of livelihood.
But he should at least have the skill to climb.
Not that one would expect Jiang Xianwu to perform the feats found in fantasy novels where great paths were obliterated, but to survive in such a place, some ability in free running and parkour was essential.