"Your role is Scissors, and you will inevitably attract either Rock or Scissors. The president will act as the first ambush, attacking the target. Because the president is Rock, if he doesn't kill the enemy instantly, it means the enemy must also be Rock; then Haoyun will finish them off,"
"After all, the enemy can't possibly be Paper, so as Scissors, you being the bait is more suitable."
"As for those who haven't made a move and are Paper, once we've dealt with their Scissors and Rock, if they are only Paper, it's best if our males avoid them."
Guang Tongchen pondered briefly and understood.
Rock, Paper, Scissors, each counters the other.
To lure the enemy into making a move, one must show a card; Zhen Shi is Scissors, so if Zhen Shi reveals his identity and exposes his back, then if the enemy chooses to attack, it proves they are definitely either Scissors or Rock.
Being Rock, Guang Tongchen, as the powerhouse, can instantly counter-kill the opponent.