Chapter 241 Xue Bing's Interrogation

"Lu Tianxing, who exactly are you? Come clean about whether this matter is related to you, or if it was schemed by you in secret."

Xue Bing eyed Lu Tianxing with suspicion.

"Fuck, chick, you should really wash your brain out."

Lu Tianxing, dumbfounded by Xue Bing's words, looked at her as if she were an idiot, "Officer Xue, are you stupid? Only an idiot would collude with them. If I wanted to kill Bai Zhiqing, there were plenty of opportunities. I could've fucked her first and killed her later, and fucked her again then killed her again without any problem. Why would I bother with all these tricks? I..."

As he spoke, Bai Zhiqing's icy gaze fell once more onto Lu Tianxing.