Chapter 75 Outsmarting Others

As the float approached the right spot, "plop, plop," it made a standard biting motion, and Yu Qulong pursed his lips and gently lifted the rod to set the hook, hitting the mark accurately!

After scooping up the fish, Yu Qulong took a special notice of the hook's placement in the fish's mouth while unhooking it, finding the hook to be slightly off, hanging a bit above the corner of the mouth.

Normally, when trolling for the bite, if the hook is on the edge of the mouth, it's usually because the trolling is slightly paused or the bait is dropped too deep, resulting in an overly deep bite. Yu Qulong, meticulous in his attention to trolling details, frowned slightly at the sight and gently pushed the float seat down by half a notch.

After two more casts, still giving the same action at the bottom of the water, Yu Qulong hooked another fish—right at twelve o'clock!