Yang Fan and Pan Xiaoxia had everything well planned, but still, the plan encountered unexpected changes.
Just loading the truck took up most of the afternoon.
Because the truck couldn't reach the doorstep of Zheng Yuyu's house, they could only rely on a small pushcart to make continuous transfers.
With this back and forth, the time multiplied.
By the time all of Codonopsis from both households were loaded, it was already getting dark.
Moreover, these Codonopsis still needed to be weighed in batches.
Going to the town to weigh and deal with all this would likely take until eight or nine in the evening, or even later.
Since it was Codonopsis from both households, they used a tarp to divide them in the middle of the truck to differentiate them during loading.
When weighing, they had to first unload those of Zheng Yuyu's on top, weigh those from Ma Baoyu's and then reload and weigh again, which would take a considerable amount of time.