Ye Nai raised her arm to gesture, and in passing, a few small spores entered Brother Peng's body. They wouldn't act up for now, so when he got home, he could have a good sleep, and by tomorrow, the slight discomfort would be gone.
Brother Peng approached her, casually petting her fluffy head as he did so.
"What's up?"
"Got any reliable meat vendors?"
"What are you selling?"
"Wild rats, with the teeth pulled out."
"The teeth?" Brother Peng and everyone at the table asked in unison, with Captain Xiao Ni from the next table also leaning in.
"No, shouldn't you be asking how much rat meat I have?"
"Rat meat isn't worth much, Rat Teeth are the real deal."
Clang, Ye Nai dumped over fifty bulging, extra-thick household garbage bags beside her feet, the kitchen-grade kind that are puncture-resistant and leakproof, filling up all the space around their table and then some, with stacks on top.
A rustling sound came from the bags as they hit the ground.
Everyone was stunned.