The phone was returned to Ye Nai's hand as five warriors looked at her, speechless.
"You had the skills to sign up directly, so why play this trick and become a cook for some crappy squad? What were you thinking?"
"I didn't know either; I just wanted to walk around the Secret Realm Square and got stopped by an agent who, after a bunch of sweet talk, stuffed me in here."
"They just told you to sign your name?"
"I haven't had such an experience before, so I did it for kicks. I didn't expect it to end like this, to get into an accident even when driving in the wilderness." Ye Nai made a mischievous face. "This counts as an easy twelve thousand for me, right?"
"Anything can happen in the wilderness; having a car accident really isn't strange."
When car accidents were mentioned, the warriors suddenly remembered they hadn't called for help from town and quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie to take care of the urgent matters first.