Liu Zhizhong chuckled softly, "Mrs. Lu, I actually came back last night, but I took my Big Lao to Yangjiang for some night fishing."
Lu Yumei didn't understand, "What are you rambling about? One second it's the Zhang family, the next it's water at home, and now night fishing? You come home and don't even step inside first, got a fishing addiction, have you?"
"The City Committee's Minister Zhang and the Provincial Committee's Minister Luo also support me fishing to relax. They say it's good for the heart, cultivating both body and mind..."
"Go on, get out of here... you're just faking illness, aren't you? Cut the crap!" Lu Yumei waved her dainty white hand dismissively, looking disgusted.
This felt very domestic, very flavorful, and Liu Zhizhong actually quite enjoyed it.
Grinning, Liu Zhizhong said, "But I caught a nearly twenty-pound wild local catfish for my mother-in-law. It's so delicious, really something special, heh heh..."