Chapter 187: Silver Birch Gears, Rune Storm


The mess inside Rose Castle, when put together, was actually worth a few tens of thousands of goldfish.

Some recovery was still possible.

However, this amount of money compared to what Chen Qing took away was just pocket change, and even more incomparable to their original price.

Overall, Chen Cheng actually didn't lose out, especially since such a large territory as Rust Island was here.

There were also a good number of available labor and mechanical equipment.

As for whether she could tame it, that was no longer Chen Qing's responsibility.

But when necessary, she would still provide some help to Chen Cheng, which was all within reason.

Of course, the most important thing for Chen Qing now was to dismantle the military factory on Pukui Mountain.

The whole of Pukui Mountain had integrated with the military factory, or more precisely, the entire mountain had been transformed into a military factory.