Chapter 10: Shooting Through a Willow at a Hundred Paces

Shen Qing looked down at his empty arrow quiver and felt his heart lurch, his face suddenly changing.

He had just killed Chen An, and now he was in a death feud with Chen Tai.

The two of them were at a point of no return.

Now, without any arrows, he had lost his most advantageous method against Chen Tai.


An arrow shot from the opposite side interrupted his thoughts.

Damn it, Shen Qing cursed inwardly, quickly dodging to one side.

After a moment, seeing that Shen Qing had not shot any arrows, Chen Tai, hidden in the woods, immediately realized Shen Qing's predicament and sensed that Shen Qing was out of arrows.

The perfect moment for a counterattack had come.

A sly and ruthless look flashed across his eyes, "Shen Qing, you're dead."

Chen Tai emerged from behind a tree, grabbed Chen An's arrow quiver, and held the bow tightly in his hand, quickly drawing the bowstring and aiming at Shen Qing.

The tremor in the arrow excited him like never before.

With a whiz,

the arrow was violently shot straight toward Shen Qing.

Shen Qing hurriedly hid behind a tree.


A muffled sound as the arrowhead buried itself into the old tree, stirring up a circle of snowflakes.

Shen Qing took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and quickly thought through his strategies, trying to find a glimmer of hope.

He knew that any panic at this time could lead to a situation from which he could not recover.

Peeking out, Shen Qing caught a brief glimpse and saw that Chen Tai was making his way around to his side, locking onto most of his body.

If he let Chen Tai get to the side or moved out of fear, he would expose himself completely to Chen Tai's view.

This was a common hunting technique used by the hunters.

If he continued to stay put, he would only get himself killed.

Shen Qing clenched his teeth and burst out from behind the old tree, sprinting randomly in any direction.

Thanks to his breakthrough in hunting skills, he had a clear understanding of Chen Tai's tactics and was not completely forced into a passive situation.

The two figures chased each other through the forest.

In the vast snowy mountains, winter birds flew up in alarm, making the snowy woods seem even more lively.

Whiz, Whiz, Whiz!

Chen Tai's arrows kept coming.


An arrow grazed past Shen Qing, slicing through his arrow quiver.

The roe deer blood within splattered out, scattering on the ground.

Seeing this, Chen Tai, relentlessly in pursuit, mistakenly thought Shen Qing was wounded and his face lit up, hastening his steps.

Unbeknownst to him, Shen Qing had been driven to a familiar hillside.

There were few trees here, offering little cover.

Shen Qing wanted to change direction and run towards another dense forest.

But what he thought of, Chen Tai naturally had thought of too.

Barely having driven him this far, Chen Tai was not about to let Shen Qing have his way; he shot several arrows in quick succession to block Shen Qing's escape, driving him up the hillside.

Shen Qing's expression was not good.

With no other choice, he jumped down the hillside.

Standing outside the forest, Chen Tai stopped, gave a cold laugh, and pointed the arrow at Shen Qing from a distance.

With few trees to obstruct the view, the visibility was excellent.

Narrowing his eyes, Chen Tai gripped the bow tightly and drew the bowstring steadily and forcefully, placing an arrow on it.

Suddenly, he released his finger, and the bowstring instantly rebounded, making a "twang" sound.

The arrow tore through the air like a meteor, shooting directly towards Shen Qing at an astonishing speed.

At that moment, Shen Qing's scalp tingled.

His instincts as an "old hunter" made him react subconsciously, diving to the side and rolling.

He barely avoided Chen Tai's deadly arrow.

Chen Tai revealed a shocked expression and spit out a mouthful of phlegm in the snow, silently praising Shen Qing's luck.

Seeing Shen Qing fall to the ground, he calmly drew another arrow and notched it onto his bowstring.

Among the three brothers, his Bow Technique was the best.

When Shen Qing was running, the angles were tricky, and he could hardly perform.

Now, without the trees to block his view and standing on high ground, he had a clear vision, facing a target that had already fallen to the ground, he couldn't possibly miss again.

This arrow was meant to take his life and avenge his younger brother!

Lying in the snow, Shen Qing's face turned pale; he had realized he was trapped.

What should he do?

Large beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and his back went cold.

Just then, his hand touched something hard in the snow.

Shen Qing pulled it out to see; it was the very arrow Chen Tai had shot!

His heart suddenly filled with ecstasy.

With no time to hesitate, he quickly turned over, pulled the longbow to its full extent.

Seeing Chen Tai standing still, he did not hesitate at all, released his fingers, and concentrated all his strength and hope into this one arrow.

The arrow, like a bullet from a gun, whistled through the air straight toward Chen Tai.

The hundred-step distance vanished in a blink, and the arrow reached Chen Tai first, piercing his throat precisely.

Blood sprayed as Chen Tai's body swayed and he fell heavily to the ground.

Chen Tai touched his neck in disbelief.

His fingers felt something slick; blood gushed out from his neck, flowing like a stream.

Chen Tai's eyes widened as he saw his hands covered in blood, realizing that his life was quickly slipping away. Panic and despair intertwined on his face, and his eyes filled with shock, "How is this possible..."

After shooting the arrow, Shen Qing saw Chen Tai fall, and his mind relaxed momentarily; he sighed, feeling as though all his strength had left him.

Without delay, Shen Qing quickly sat up from the snow and walked over to Chen Tai.

By now, Chen Tai had turned into a corpse, his eyes wide open, an arrow piercing his neck, protruding from the other side.

The arrow had blood grooves, and bright red blood flowed out from them, spilling onto the pure white snow.

The blood, still warm, melted the surrounding snow, forming a sinuous little river that extended seven steps away.

The bright red and pure white formed a stark contrast against each other.

Shen Qing raised his hands, looking at his own hands.

"So it feels like this to kill someone..."

At first, the situation was urgent, leaving no room for him to think.

Now that he had killed both, he realized it was his first time killing someone.

For some reason, Shen Qing didn't feel much psychological discomfort.

To him, the world simply worked this way.

The tragic scene at Tian Chuan yesterday was still clear in his mind.

If he hadn't been ruthless or lucky, then he would be the one lying here now.

"I don't want to die, anyone trying to kill me, I just have to kill them!"

"Hunting can be for beasts, or it can also be for men."

Shen Qing's eyes suddenly hardened, free from psychological burdens and adapted to his current situation.

Shen Qing looked down at Chen Tai's corpse, his eyes brimming with a slight smile.

Having killed both men, the most important thing now was to loot the bodies!

The Chen Family had quite a few valuables, not to be wasted.

Shen Qing decided, squatted down, and moved quickly.

To save trouble, he took a Dagger from his waist and pried open Chen Tai's belt.

He rummaged through his body and pulled out a purse, some hunting gear.

Then in the heavy snow, he stripped Chen Tai clean, packing up his clothes and bow together.

After handling everything neatly, he left behind Chen Tai's naked body

A slight smile appeared unconsciously on the corners of Shen Qing's mouth as he turned and quickly left the scene.

There was another corpse of Chen An in another part of the mountain forest, which probably also had many valuables, and he couldn't miss out on those either.