Chapter 142: Young Master Song Guards the Door

Tang Yan's gaze burned intensely as he looked at her, at her luscious red lips and cheeks, feeling every inch of his body clamoring with desire, yearning to tear her apart and meld her into his flesh and blood.

A beastly thirst for blood resided in his body.

"I could let you die another way, in ecstatic agony," Tang Yan's tone was teasing, but his eyes were truly as if they were about to kill her.

When he was extremely furious, he really wanted to kill someone, and it all traced back to his experience in South America.

"You bastard! Shameless!"

Jin Mo felt the heat on her face burning up to her brain, she felt very unclear-headed.

Tang Yan let out a scoff, his finger pressing against her lips, roughly rubbing off the lipstick, "I prefer your natural flavor more."

Jin Mo glared at him hatefully, bent her head down, and bit fiercely into his finger, increasingly hard, as if intending to bite it off.