Chapter 97: Saying One Thing and Thinking Another

Shen Zhaozhao got on and rode around for a bit, and indeed the bicycle was lovely to ride, but whether it was worth 70,000 yuan, she couldn't tell where the value lay.

She could only say that poverty limited her imagination.

"It's because you're riding it on flat ground. If it were mountain terrain, you'd appreciate its advantages more," Lu Xu continued to boast proudly about his new "wife."

Alright then!

The joys of the rich are incomprehensible to the poor.

"Let's go, let's head inside!" Sang Youyou called out to everyone.

After buying their tickets, the four of them went to change their clothes in the dressing room.

Shen Zhaozhao changed into a black one-piece swimsuit, while Sang Youyou chose one with tiny flowers and a skirt, full of youthful vibes of a young girl.

The moment they stepped out of the dressing room, they heard wolf whistles.

Lu Xu appraised them and said, "Wow, didn't expect this. You both actually have great figures."