Chapter 193: Put away your little schemes, he's out of your league

Chi Yue did not answer, she just silently looked at him.

The gloom in Fu Rongyin's eyes grew deeper and deeper, "What, you dare not say it?"

Chi Yue felt helpless and desperate, "I have nothing to do with Nan Yuan, why won't you believe me? He knows I have psychological problems, so he introduced a friend to treat me."

"So that's why he brought you back, lingering at the door in reluctance?"

On hearing this, Chi Yue's face was incredulous, as she calmly said, "What did you see us doing? Just a friend sending me home, and you think I've betrayed you. What about you? You're with Ling Jiayu all day, have you considered my feelings?"

"Do you care?"

"How do you know I wouldn't care?"

As these words were spoken, both Chi Yue and Fu Rongyin were stunned.

Chi Yue did not expect to say such things, and after realizing what she said, she was frightened and faced Fu Rongyin's deep eyes before turning into the kitchen.

She must be crazy to think that she cared about them being together.