"Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the second day of the King's Battle, brought to you by our sponsor xx. I'm your host for today, Xia Xiaoxue, and joining me are Old Chen and Master Lin, who made some divine predictions yesterday."
"Hello, everyone."
"Good evening, everyone."
As Xia Xiaoxue finished her opening speech, Old Chen and Lin Yang also started speaking to the camera.
The live broadcast was only minimally beneficial for Xia Xiaoxue and Old Chen in terms of enhancement since they had already hosted similar competitions before, but for a fresh face like Lin Yang, he certainly garnered more attention, especially for his professional expertise, which indeed won the recognition of many viewers.
Although he was a host, compared to such a national competition, his fame was still too low, considering that there are fishing hosts with fans number in the hundreds if not a hundred then eighty.