At this moment, the strategy was to cast the fishing tackle towards the front of the path where the marlin was swimming. Once the marlin spotted the bait, it would open its mouth and gulp down the hooked bait, then quickly dive into the water. Under these circumstances, the mainline could be let out until about 200 meters had been pulled, after which the line would typically start to slow. That's when it was necessary to abruptly stop and increase the drag, which in turn would cause the startled marlin to resume its frenzied dash.
Then by repeatedly letting out line, reeling it in, and playing the fish, it could be exhausted. Usually, after about 2–3 hours, it could be brought close to the boat, and then with the aid of a gaff, it could be landed aboard.
The approach described above is trolling, while the second method is pull fishing:
When pull fishing, a specialized fishing vessel is also required, and the method of "cut fishing" is usually employed to catch marlin.