In the midst of the primitive forest at noon, the woods were oppressively hot, the air teemed with a scorching heat and a faint scent of decay, perhaps from the corpse of some animal. Satiated and hydrated, the group rested in place. Luo Zheng looked up through the canopy to see the sun hanging high, its branches swaying in the breeze—a pity the winds didn't reach the forest floor. He took another swig of water, glancing at the carcass of the python, his gaze then shifting to the river as he pondered.
"We need to hurry on our way. Mountains lie ahead and mountains flank us. Continuing overland will delay us. How about we take the river route? I've checked the map, and this river connects to another river. That river is just a half-day away from our destination. Traveling by water will save us a lot of time and conserve our energy," Lan Xue came over and whispered.