"Grenade cover, retreat." Luo Zheng saw that the enemy's assault was too fierce to block, so he urgently shouted and tossed a grenade over about ten meters ahead, then turned and ran. Ghost Hand also quickly threw a grenade and turned to sprint. Hearing the explosions behind them, neither dared to look back, knowing that wasting time meant death. They continuously zigzagged through the forest, their movements elusive to avoid being targeted by a master.
Soon, they saw Lan Xue and others lying in ambush ahead, ready and waiting. Without time for greetings, they directly charged over, heading for the peak and leaving Lan Xue and the other two to block the enemy. After running about two hundred meters, they came across a small slope with some shallow ditches where grass about ankle-high grew. Luo Zheng, struck by an idea, said, "Lay mines."