Luo Zheng calmly sorted out his thoughts, feeling they were still viable, so he asked everyone to keep calm and summoned Hook to listen in. Switching to the international common language, he said, "The enemy employs armed forces to attack us, their own forces are holed up in the base, surrounded by dense forests with land mines, and the base is heavily defended, with the core being underground. It isn't easy to attack directly, so we need to think of an alternative."
"You have a plan?" Hook asked in surprise.
"Yes, but I'll need your cooperation," Luo Zheng said with a confident smile.
"No problem, as long as we can avenge ourselves and kill the Japanese invaders, I wouldn't frown even if it costs me my life. Just say the word, what do we need to do?" said Hook, his expression becoming serious as he earnestly patted his chest.