"That's such a rip-off."
"Isn't it just? It's a monopoly. Only one place like this, so they can set whatever price they want."
Brother Chi shook his head; he also thought the price was outrageously high, which is why he had never gone there.
All he could do now was rely on what he'd heard to tell Lin Murong.
"Ah well, nothing to be done about it," since he was going to check it out anyway.
Lin Murong exchanged some pleasantries with Brother Chi before parting ways with him.
"We've got the lay of the land; just keep walking down this street, and we'll eventually see it." Lin Murong rejoined the other two.
While Lin Murong was cozying up to Brother Chi, the other two instinctively kept their distance. Once Lin Murong split off from Brother Chi, the three of them converged again.
Lin Murong quietly relayed the information he'd managed to gather.