Su Yinhe grabbed the potato and dashed into the kitchen without saying another word.
Chen Yuan originally wanted to stop her; he was quite interested in Su Yinhe, but she slipped away like a slippery eel before he could even shout.
"It's not appropriate to trouble a young lady like that. I'll have someone assist her," Chen Yuan said, then gestured to his subordinates.
"No need, no need. She loves to work, and she's actually allergic to strange men. Don't go near her, or she might drop dead from the allergic reaction," Lin Murong blurted out, diagnosing Su Yinhe with an illness.
"What?" Chen Yuan's ability to manage his expression completely failed him.
"What kind of allergy is that?"
"Yes, it's true. She's extremely uncomfortable being in the same space with strange men. If you get too close, she could suffocate," Lin Murong continued to fib, but his expression was dead serious.