Unlucky Jimmy_2

"A28, officer down, near the intersection of West 16th Street and Green Street by Planet Fitness Club."

"A28 copy, on my way now, report the situation at the scene."

"Two LRPD officers responded to a dispute, a boxer at the club attacked two officers and fled, one officer is suspected to have a fracture, the other a suspected concussion, ambulance is en route."

Jimmy's location was right on West 16th Street, the dispatch center had the GPS locations of each police car, which made it convenient for task assignments. Since Jimmy was on personal business this time, he did not contact the dispatch center to update his status, so as far as the dispatch center was concerned, Jimmy was still available.

Jimmy turned the police car towards Green Street. He was in full uniform with his equipment on this outing to see Harten, so he was adequately prepared for backup.