165 Street Gunfight

Jimmy surged forward, leaving the intersection behind. He swiveled to the side, pulling one wheel of the car onto the sidewalk to a stop. Unbuckling his seatbelt, he turned to his right and craned his neck past the car seat headrest to look back at the intersection.

The gunfire he'd just heard was all too familiar because he usually carried that gun himself, a Smith & Wesson M686-1. After nearly two years of use, he was acutely familiar with the sound of it firing Magnum bullets.

Since Jimmy had dashed forward, the shooter at the intersection had started running toward him. The gunman was a young Hispanic male with curly hair and no beard, brandishing a revolver.

Jimmy took a quick glance left and right down the road. The sound of gunfire had sent pedestrians by the intersection scattering in all directions, with some even lying flat on the sidewalk, hugging close to the curb.