Jimmy spent over three hours getting off the highway, and instead of going home first, he drove directly to the old homeless camp. Such camps usually stay around unless the government or local residents complain and ask for a cleanup, so the camp had always been there, though the residents were constantly changing.
Jerry was there, and when Jimmy drove near the camp, he called Jerry to meet up.
Jimmy didn't really want to go inside the camp anymore, maybe he didn't want to recall those old days.
Jerry didn't make Jimmy wait long before he came out. He was very excited, running towards Jimmy's car.
Jerry: "Jimmy, thank you, thank God, you saved Mary."
As Jerry hugged Jimmy and patted his back, he kept saying thank you, his voice choking up.
Jimmy hugged Jerry back before quickly letting go. Goodness, how long had it been since Jerry last had a bath? The smell was lethal.