Tata Town is located near the border between Texas and Oklahoma. To the east and west of the small town are patches of woodland, and to the north a small lake, not far from the Red River that marks the border between the two states. There is only one road that connects the town from the southwest to the main road nearby.
Jimmy drove along the highway to this road leading to Tata Town, which was a single-lane paved road in one direction. Occasionally, patches of woods would appear on both sides of the road. It was clear that the locals maintained the environment well; despite the many forests, there was no overgrowth of weeds beside the road, a sign of careful control.
The road wasn't long, and after about 2 kilometers Jimmy arrived at the outskirts of Tata Town. He opened his briefcase, which had a business card clipped to the file inside—it was the phone number of Chad, the sheriff of Tata Town. He dialed the number.
Jimmy: "Sheriff Chad, this is FBI agent Jimmy Yang."