The more Yao Menghan thought about it, the more she became convinced that her guess was right.
That voice, although she had never experienced it firsthand, she had heard it before!
Moreover, the way the women around her were talking seemed to confirm her suspicions.
"Miss Yao, sorry to make you the butt of the joke, huh!"
Aunt Ye said with a laugh, "If you're feeling uncomfortable, why don't we go over to your place and continue chatting there?"
Yao Menghan stared at Aunt Ye.
"Do you… do you know what they're doing upstairs?"
"Of course, we do, huh!"
Aunt Ye shrugged her shoulders. "Between a man and a woman, what else could they be doing?"
Yao Menghan licked her dry lips.
Now she was actually wondering if it was she who was abnormal?
Why were they all so calm and collected, and even able to laugh and chat?
Even if they got along harmoniously, that was still her man upstairs with another woman…
Frolicking, huh!
Wasn't that being a little too generous?