"I know, don't worry about it, hurry on upstairs to see your mom~"
Jhiang Xingzhi just didn't want her to stay here, now that this had been discovered, it was definitely better to avoid it a bit.
If they encountered it, it would be an utter disaster.
"Aren't you going to take a look?"
Song Yi had also come with them, and he was a bit puzzled, so he asked.
"It's fine, let them get on with it, I'll walk you upstairs.
Then, we'll move the luggage over and tidy up the new house."
"Brother Song, I've brought your luggage over, just left some personal items, I didn't touch them.
Let's go over together~"
Zhang Kaiyang was indeed quite nice, and he also had a good sense of boundaries, Jhiang Yuan liked people like that.
Now that everyone was living together again, it would make talking and other things much more convenient.
When they reached the third floor, their two rooms were right at the eastern end, number 0301.