Chapter 23 A Rare Opportunity

Ireya could never have dreamed that her first banquet would be such a success.

Not only did she win a resounding victory in a skirmish with a certain self-important weasel, sending him fleeing from Teacup Castle in tears, but the rest of the guests also seemed to have a very high opinion of the event.

They would surely share the happenings of the banquet with their friends and families once they returned home.

Whether it was the Shrimp Cracker Snow Cake, the New Orleans Roasted Chicken with Lao Ganma, or those two bottles of Great Wall Wine served at the end, these would inevitably be talked about with great relish by the nobles of the western lands for some time to come.

After this, the Arias family wouldn't have to worry about attracting guests to their banquets; on the contrary, the carriages of those eager to attend might block the castle gates.

Just thinking about that scene brought a crooked smile to Miss Rabbit's face.