Hirodod, having received the answer he wanted, did not continue to stay in Iron Horn City and immediately had Nanny Nema prepare the carriage to return to Duolin City.
Then he turned to Clara, who was still dazed, and said, "You should go pack as well."
"Huh?" Clara didn't react at first, not until Hirodod repeated, "You are to come with me."
The little maid was dumbfounded at his words.
"At first, I had Golden Eyes bring you here because I wasn't sure if you could also communicate with Saturday and inform Prophet Merlin of your whereabouts through Saturday," Hirodod explained.
"But now it seems you clearly lack such ability; you merely learned from Merlin the means to contact God, but you are neither devout enough nor adequately trained."
Clara could not refute this, as these were the very points she had mentioned in deceiving Hirodod earlier.
To her surprise, he had applied her own ploy back to her and perfectly explained why she couldn't communicate with Saturday.