Tom finally understood why that ragged group of commoners dared to talk back to a noble like Constantino and even threaten him.
It turned out that the Raimondi family had already lost control over Duolin City, but Tom still couldn't figure out why Hirodod would rally such a disorganized mob.
Wars aren't decided by sheer numbers alone. Those who rush into battle untrained, clad in simple clothes and wielding farm tools, even if they outnumber the regular army tenfold, end up only wailing for their fathers and howling for their mothers after being slaughtered.
But the strife within the Silver Moon Church wasn't something a Double Rest Sect believer like Tom could make sense of, so he didn't bother.
He had only entered Duolin City to save someone, and after getting the Passage Order, he bid Constantino farewell.
Before he left, Constantino repeatedly warned Tom not to cause trouble in the city, to which the Black Dog Guard Captain readily agreed.