Chapter 11: Perform to sell.

Fawn Boulevard, with its marble buildings, cobbled walks, and grapevines, was a strange place for a quack to set up shop. Yet, the two saw the enchanter sitting on a carpet, harping his wares.

"Bottomless bags, half price!"

"Best fire enchantment bracelets out there, guaranteed to power ten fireballs, no personal mana needed!"

And so on and so forth. The two partners listened to him from a distance, before Morris turned to Leander.

"I doubt that he does it intentionally," the axe warrior could see that the enchanter was slightly downcast, despite his bright smile.

"He doesn't seem the type to dupe people, I agree," Leander still moved to the stall. Morris followed. The axe warrior's eyebrows rose when he noticed the mana around the items. He nudged Leander and leaned to whisper in his ear.

"These are the real deal," Leander looked at the items on the carpet. They looked well-made, too.