Chapter 16: Arrow barrage

Dorian had gotten into the farmhouse, but only just. Now, he and Morris were piling furniture before the door as the rats were smashing themselves against it.

They heard a window crack and saw that a rat had thrown itself against it.

"We can't defend every entrance," Leander said tiredly. He hurt all over, and it was only his adrenaline that had stopped his whimpering.

"We are not becoming rat food," Morris went and pulled the blinds on the window, Dorian mirroring him for the other window.

"We have to set this place on fire," Leander said with a groan. The garden and the barn had to go. Maybe even the house.

"We will be sued for property damage," Morris shot down the idea. Besides, this place was surrounded by easily lit fields and the forest. The fire might even reach Huergaz.

"Can't you try to freeze them in place?" Dorian suggested. Leander considered it. He had no slots left, but he could down a couple of potions.