Chapter 20: The importance of a mission

The three were before the quest board again, this time looking at the F rank quests. Failing to find one, they looked at the E ones.

"Why are there no F quests?" Leander whined as they were reading the ten or so E quests.

"I hear that the Huergaz sewer is the only place that gets F quests these days. What with the slime mining," Dorian mused. His eyes caught a promising quest. "Look at this one: cleaning duty."

The other two turned to look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Now, listen to me. The pay is as good as a C rank quest. We just need to muck some stables. What is the worst that could happen?"

Leander snorted at that.

"Rashes on our skin from all the horse dung?" He suggested, and Morris snorted.

"For real now," Dorian continued on, not amused. "You are still banged up. They just cleared you to exercise again. But, not to train with us. Cleaning the stables is the only thing we can do."