Chapter 29: Samkiel’s tomb

Samkiel's tomb had been the resting place of Lord Samkiel Klorfiel, the third duke of Huergaz. Before people robbed it and the Klorfiel family took his remains and cremated them, scattering them over the sea the duke had adored so in life.

Now, there were overcast clouds over the tomb, which was as big as an arena and had secret tunnels under it. There were shadows lurking at every corner.

But they were cast by no animal, person, or plant. They were hooded humanoids who had claws as sharp as a dragon's and rotting teeth. The bite of which put the poor sod that received it into a coma.

There was a battle line drawn before the tomb, and five light mages were doing their best to purify the perimeter. The shadows still crept ever closer, and more than once a party had to be sent to seal a breach made when a mage took a break.

That was the situation the twelve members of platoon 23 found upon arrival.