Chapter 39: Forming habits.

Armaros heard the mana alarm he had set go off, and he got up. He made the bed, fluffed the pillows, and went down to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. It was 4 a.m…

Baleg had stressed the importance of going to bed early and waking up early. As far as the half-orc was concerned, the body needed to be in a deep sleep until two am. But he had not made Armaros get up that early because the dungeon core was still trying to build muscles and put on weight.

Armaros made himself a plate of eggs and sausages, with turmeric in the eggs and just the hint of salt. He ate his breakfast with a glass of water, rather than the juice he had taken a liking to.

Baleg always told him that sugar was an enemy. It got you too fat to move and disrupted your mana flow. Not to mention, it rots your teeth. Armaros had checked with Leander to see if the half-orc was not pulling his leg. But it had all been the truth.