Chapter 42: The date that is not a date.

Leander and Armaros couldn't be more different if they tried, Jean decided. They were both on the opposite spectrum of one another in coloring, weight, and behavior.

But they were now both gazing out of the lift with wonder and sitting next to each other. And, they both gave out that cute baby animal vibe that made him want to stand up from his place and go sit by them.

He tried to do just that, but Morris and Dorian each placed a hand on his shoulder and forced him to remain on their side of the lift. So, Jean decided to change tactics. Confuse the enemy, so to speak.

"So, Armaros, I heard Baleg took you on as an apprentice?" Jean gave the doe eyed youth a dazzling smile, which made the boy blink. Armaros tore his eyes off the scenery and locked them with Jean's.

"Yes. He is the best, despite not having that much time for me," Armaros informed him, and Jean nodded. Glad that the boy was content.