Chapter 44: Ambush

Jean came back from scouting the entrance of the dungeon. What he had seen worried him. Dorian looked at him and nodded, and Jean gave his report.

"There is an entire ogre tribe at the entrance. I have no idea how many are there inside the cave itself," he said.

 Leander sucked in a breath. Ogres were notorious for being able to berserk even when wounded.

"Huddle time," Dorian commanded, and they all moved closer to each other. "So, we have to be tricky. To take out the tribe on our own turf. Jean, did you see a place suitable for an ambush?"

"There was something like a clearing with rocks hanging up above it. They look unstable," Jean was beginning to figure out what Dorian would ask of them.

"Then, we lure the tribe to the clearing, and we make the rocks fall on them. Jean, I don't want to ask this of you but seeing as you are the nimblest one in the party," Dorian let his words trail off and Jean nodded.