Chapter 53: Negotiations

It had taken them no time at all to find the shacks of the leprechauns. There were no defenses around the makeshift village. The five walked slowly, passing the welcoming arch before the village that read:

Fool's Gold Village.

 Population: 269.

"Those are quite a bit of leprechauns," Leander mused. This stank of misplacement.

"Probably refugees after a dungeon core took over their forest or whatever," Jean agreed. Many creatures had been misplaced recently. Some took contracts with the dungeon cores which moved into their homes, but others were either deemed too weak or had their pride.

"Halt! Who goes there?" the five looked down to see a small humanoid creature, dressed in green with a top hat, pointing a sharpened stick at them.

"We are the owners of these lands. We come to hear your reasoning for moving in," Dorian replied calmly. The leprechaun paled and lowered his spear.