Chapter 55: Little Christopher’s adventure

Armaros couldn't wait to be left alone with the baby. He had everything planned out!

"Are you sure the rest are not coming? I mean, I paid for a full party," Christopher's mother asked. Armaros grinned at her and showed her his adventurer's badge.

"As you can see, I am ranked B. More than enough to protect your baby from boredom," the woman returned the badge and took her bag.

"Well, he does like you. I will be back in five hours. Help yourself to some snacks from the kitchen," and she was off. Armaros jogged to the crib and took the frog plushie that Christopher loved so much.

"Hey there, Chris. How have you been? I am an actual adventurer now; can you believe it?"

"Gu?" Christopher said, as Armaros handed him the toy. The boy clutched at it and gave it a kiss.