Chapter 85: Doubling back.

Armaros had collected Ebony's hoard in his bottomless bag and had sent the dragon out with Norrix. Yes, the vampire had led them to treasure so far. Yet, that had nearly gotten them killed.

 Besides, Ebony was too big for the tunnels on the right side, which were not made with a dragon, albeit a toddler one, in mind.

"Alklair, light wisps," Dorian commanded. They were marking the walls, so they knew where they were going. With special gel usually dropped by slimes that glowed in the dark.

Alklair created the light wisps, not forgetting the pixies this time. They found a dead end with a mural of a mage that looked like the statue. He had a staff and a bat on his shoulders.

"Do we have to expect bats further in?" Morris mused. 

He heard Alklair groan.

"Why are you taking the mural in the literal sense? This is a mausoleum. Someone was buried in here long before the dungeon came in."

 Morris rubbed the back of his head.