Chapter 91: Do or do not, there is no try!

Bog had made the barrier stone, with all its intricate runes. Goblins were great craftsmen. If they had been a bit better in nature, they would have earned their meals the honest way.

Atha took a deep breath. Kraedor was next to him, "guarding" the farm. Bog was sitting on a pillow and sending the Ice Priest nervous looks. And the vampire, Norrix, was sitting on the porch, looking out at the field.

"Well, here goes," Atha took the barrier stone in his hands, and began pouring a small trickle of mana inside. Too much, and his soul would be pulled in. Too little, and the mana wouldn't take hold. He had to be consistent with this, or he would fail.

No one spoke as he filled up the stone and the runes began to shine. He found that, after the first ten minutes, his mind went into a meditative state, and he felt himself relax.