Chapter 94: When tempers run hot…

Leander was using all of Belle's extra mana to create big doors made from precious metals, to pay less for the smelting. She was not complaining that she was in pain, anymore, and the blonde healer was happy.

He just handed the bottomless bag designed specially to hold his dungeon created treasure to the blacksmith, when he heard a commotion coming from the entrance hall of the guild house.

"Guild master, you might want to check this out. They have been gathering for a while now," the blacksmith, a burly man by the name of Ulric, spoke. Leander nodded, waved his goodbye, and he jogged to the entrance hall.

It still surprised him that he was not getting winded as easily as before. He knew he lost more kilograms walking to and back from quests, but he liked to believe that the walking in place routine he had going on helped, too.