Chapter 99: We are done waiting, dearest Lemon Cake!

When Leander awoke, he was in a cuddle pile. His head was on Morris's chest, with Dorian occupying the berserker's other side. Armaros was spooning him, and Jean was spooning Armaros.

He smiled. Yes, this was nice.

"Hey, lemon cake, I need you to know something," Jean spoke sleepily. Leander turned to him, which just meant that he was staring at Armaros's peaceful face.

"Yes, Jean?" Leander braced himself for the scolding, but he heard a chuckle instead.

"I want you to know that what you did, what with creating Ludwig and all, was the most awesome thing you could have done. And, you might have saved all our lives," Jean praised, and Leander blinked.

"Who is Ludwig?" Leander did not remember ever creating something he had named Ludwig.

"The giant evolving golem. Ebony named him Ludwig after he called him Bony one too many times," Jean said, the smirk clear to be heard in his voice.

 Leander snorted.